We had a wonderful holiday season with lots of family and friends around- although we also missed alot of family this year for various reasons :( Hopefully, next year won't be the same in that arena.
In January, we have been out of our house a lot- we were in Heber for a week and a half while my parents were gone for their 30th anniversary trip- to Hawaii! I am so jealous since we had snow and extremely cold temps while they were gone to the sun and the sand!

Anna Kate is growing and changing almost daily and it makes me sad when I think about how fast time goes. She is extremely close to taking her first steps and I know she will never turn back once she does! She did inherit my cautious bone though and that is what is keeping her from taking off right now- she doesn't like the unsteady feeling of lifting her foot! Give her one finger though and she practically runs around the house! Crawling was never a preferred mode of transportation for her so I think that provides more motivation to walk. I did find out that she knew how to crawl, just chose not to when she crawled to a brush one day. We have only seen it a few times since then, in times of extreme desire! Other than that, our days our filled with "step, step, step"- which is what she says when she wants to walk. Anna is EXTREMELY verbal and will repeat almost anything we say to her! Her favorites are of course, step, dog, and daddy. But there are a host of others to got with those- last night the most important was "Go, Big Ben!" As many of you may know I am originally from Pittsburgh and so the Super Bowl last night was epic in our family. We started working on "go Big Ben" during the playoffs and Anna would cheer with me during the games. Last night she was cheering right along with us- at least for the first half, then she had to go to bed. For those of you who are leary that a 10 month old can say "go Big Ben" -we do have it on tape!!! :) I can understand why you might question it too, but when you are a Steeler fan, you are obviously born one!