Thursday, April 9, 2009

One of those days...

Yesterday was just one of those days- you know what I am talking about- totally out of control! It all started when I didn't get much sleep on Tues. night, this is a trend in our house on Tuesday nights and I am not sure why, but after a 2 hour "nap" from 11-1 am I was WIDE awake until about 4! Maybe it was something I ate that kept me awake because Anna was also very awake on Wed. (probably because I was so tired!) she only slept 30 minutes ALL day! Believe me I tried to get the child to sleep- no such luck! The vast majority of the day was pretty good, Anna does really well even with no sleep, then we got to dinner time...
I went outside to feed our dog and when I came back in something was in need of my immediate attention, don't really remember, I just put the bag of dog food by the back door and ran to attend to whatever the need was- my plan as to come right back to put the dog food in the laundry room, except I forgot about it. I went about trying to get dinner ready and turn around a minute later to find Anna with a handful of dog food in her mouth!!! She was quite enjoying her snack and I had to fight her to get it back! ;) So I clean up that mess and get Anna in her chair to eat- disaster avoided! Wrong!
Jason was late getting home last night so I decide to brave the grill to cook these awesome burgers that I had made for dinner. Anna is eating dinner so I am spending most of my time with her and just running out to the grill to turn it on, etc. Well, I have the grill heating up and I am bringing my burgers out to put on the grill- HUGE FLAMES! Yes, I have set our grill on fire! I am not sure when, but at some point Anna is finished with dinner so she is out of her highchair and follows me to the back door as I am calling Jason and running to get the grill turned off- so the gas tank doesn't explode! Jason is yelling at me telling me to spray the grill with water from the hose- so I finally get the hose out and am spraying the grill down- the fire is out- whew! I then realize my child is screaming at the top of her lungs, I thought because she was afraid of the fire and smoke, no, I had inadvertantly sprayed the hose in the screen door and soaked her in my haste to get the fire out! I decide to forget grilling burgers and just get the George Foreman out.
Anna is finally in bed and my burgers that I have been waiting for all day are on the George Foreman. AHHH...I can take a deep breath. The burgers are done perfectly and I am sooo excited to try mine, too excited I guess. As I am trying to transfer burger to bun it drops on the floor!! Yep, you guessed it, I picked it up and put it in the bun. No joke! And it was truly the best burger I have ever eaten! Bobby Flay- I will throwdown any day with my new burger recipe! (Just as long as I don't have to use a grill! :))

Friday, April 3, 2009

Potty Training?

Ok, I know some of you may be saying, didn't Anna Kate just turn 1? What in the world is a potty training post about? Well, Uncle Chad and Auntie Shana got Anna a potty chair for her birthday and I had asked her Dr. about potty training because Anna has been telling us for a couple of months when she goes "poo". I thought it was a fluke at first, but literally she only says it when she has gone.
So the Dr. told me just to make her aware of it and she will catch on in time. The past couple of days I have just been putting her on the potty while I am in the bathroom and she reads her books. Well yesterday we had 2 successes! Pee both times and really I think I am just a good guesser at when she has to go, but she LOVED it! I was surprised at how much she was into the potty and then flushing it down the big potty. We are in no way truly potty trained, but she is starting to understand the concept for sure. I will have to post some pics of our girl with her books on the potty!